Friday, May 18, 2012

Thomas the Train

We made the trip to Chattanooga last weekend because Thomas the Train was coming to town.  We were going to take Jake last year when he came to Nashville, but I had Luke that weekend!  We knew Jake would love it, but I'm pretty sure it was the best day of his life.

Me and my boys in front of Thomas. 

Oh the train.  They take you on about a 30 minute train ride.   

My boys. 

Family picture on the train. 

Nee Nee came with us!   

Jake could spend hours playing with a train table.  We have one ready to set up once we get to Charlotte!  

And this is where the meltdown started.  It was time to go... Jake probably cried for at least 30 minutes.  He wasn't the only one, there were a lot of sad boys walking back to their cars.  This Fall Thomas is coming to Charlotte so I am sure we will be back!  

Morning at the park

While my mom was visiting recently we spent a morning at the park and had a picnic lunch.  I actually remembered to bring my camera, so here are some pictures of the boys!

Sweet Luke.   

Jake chasing a squirrel.  It was the friendliest little squirrel.  It enjoyed eating Jake's veggie straws! 

Jake is such a little man now.  He has grown up so much in the past few months and doesn't look like a baby anymore.  He is such a sweet little boy. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's official....

We recently found out officially that Kirk was accepted to his 2nd fellowship in foot and ankle surgery in Cleveland, Ohio. While I am not thrilled about the location I am so proud of him for getting this fellowship and working so hard to specialize. What is another year when you have been training for 15 years since high school!
As of right now it looks like we will be headed back to KC after his fellowships for him to start working! I am very excited to finally be settled down and not have to move around anymore!

Jake's 2nd birthday

My sweet Jake turned 2 on March 25th. These first 2 years have absolutely flown by. Jake is such a sweet little boy and I am honored to be his mom. Here is what he is up to recently.
- He is still very active. We visit the park 1-2 times daily.
- He is very social and loves to play with other kids.
- He is a little bit of a late talker, but recently his vocabulary is really picking up.
- Still loves trains!
- Loves cars too!
- Is an awesome sleeper. Sleeps from 8pm-7am. Usually takes a 3 hour nap in the afternoon (I know I am lucky!)
- Is a very fast runner. I have to run to keep up with him at the park, which is a little tricky holding a baby at the same time!
- Loves his brother. I can't wait until they can play together more. Jake is very gentle and loving towards him.
- Knows his ABC's.
- Knows most of his colors.
- Hates to brush his teeth.
- We recently discovered that he will eat pretty much anything as long as he has ketchup to dip it in. This includes all fruit, peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese, quesadillas, etc.

Jake has learned so much this past year and I am so excited for his next year to see what he does. He is such a sweet little boy and we love him so much!
Here are a few pictures from his birthday party.

Family picture

Me, my mom and the kiddos.

My parents with my boys.

Jake playing with his new bubble machine.

Kids playing with the bubbles.

From left to right... Emmett Unruh, Claire Homlar, Luke.

Of course we had to have a Cars theme.

Everyone singing happy birthday to Jake.

Opening presents.

So happy when everyone was singing to him!

Friday, March 23, 2012

A day at the zoo

My mom came in town to watch the boys for us while we went to Charlotte to find a place to live and to be here for Jake's second birthday. It has been so beautiful here we decided to spend the morning at the zoo. I hadn't been back since before Luke was born because it is pretty hard to do by yourself with 2 little ones. Jake loved seeing the animals and especially loved the train ride!

Looking at the giraffes with Nee Nee.

Jake loved the carousel ride. When it was over he kept saying "Santa" and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about until I looked around and saw an older man with a white beard. Kids are so funny.

Sweet boys!

Train ride with Nee Nee.

Gotta give a shout out to Luke who is sitting up really well now. Just like his older brother, he LOVES to watch trains go around and around the track!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Luke 6 months/ Jake 23 months

I was trying to take a few updated pictures of the boys. I feel like I hardly have any pictures of Jake recently because he is always on the go. This is the best I could get of Jake... he refuses to smile for the camera.

Day at the aquarium

Last Sunday, Kirk and I decided to take the boys to the Chattanooga aquarium for the day. We have been wanting to go and since we had to be out of the house for most of the afternoon we thought it would be a perfect day for it. It was a really nice aquarium and I would recommend it to anyone who is close to Chattanooga.

Kirk and Jake looking at the parrots.

They had a huge room filled with butterflies. Both boys loved watching them fly around.

Looking at fish with daddy.

Luke watching the butterflies.

We were watching a huge shark swim by!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Luke's baptism

While we were in KC we had Luke baptized. It was done in Kirk's parents church, which is where Jake was baptized. A lot of family was able to be there with us. Afterwards, we had a small celebration at the McCullough's house.

Jake reading a book with his Grandad.

Luke with Great- Grandad.

My parents, Craig and Jeannie Spiegelberg on the far left and Kirk's parents, Jim and Leslie McCullough on the far right.

With Luke's Godfather, Clint McCullough on the left and Father Larry who baptized Luke.

Sweet baby in his baptismal gown that was worn by Kirk's father Jim and all his brothers and all of the McCullough boys, including Jacob.


We made the trip up to Kansas City on February 17 as Kirk's brother, Connor was in the hospital and not doing well. We made it up there that evening and Kirk was able to spend the night with all his siblings and parents at the hospital with Connor. The next day, they were able to bring him home where he passed away. We were all able to be with him and pray with him as he took his last breath.
Connor was such a special person who touched so many people with his faith. Kirk's parents have also been such a witness to Christ throughout this whole journey starting 7 months ago when Connor was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
They held the memorial service on Wednesday February 22 at St. James Academy, where Connor attended school. It was amazing to see the hundreds of people that came out and the kind words they had to say about Connor. The next morning was the funeral. It was a beautiful service in a packed church full of people that love Connor and the whole McCullough family.
While we miss Connor terribly, we know that he is in heaven and is free of the pain and suffering. Connor achieved more in his short 17 years than most people accomplish in their long lives. I know he has changed my life and brought me closer to Christ as I know he has done with hundreds of others.