Saturday, November 27, 2010


We took Jacob to The Green Hills Mall today to see Santa. I thought he may be scared, but he did really well. We got some cute pictures!

"I am so excited to go see Santa!"

"Who is that man with the beard over there?"

"I like presents!"

"I love Santa... he is so nice."

Friday, November 26, 2010

new hobby!

I got a new camera from Kirk for Christmas this year. Kirk and I really love photography, and I would love to make this my new hobby. I am trying to get used to a nice camera and all the different functions I can do on it.
Here are a few practice shots from today. I think I have a pretty adorable little model!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

8 months ago today, the most precious gift we have ever received was born. We are so incredibly thankful to have a healthy, happy, sweet little boy. Jacob has brought Kirk and I more joy than we ever thought was possible.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eva Eileen Spexarth

Kirk's sister Carolyn and her husband Gerard welcomed their first precious child, Eva Eileen Spexarth into the world on November 14th. We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet our beautiful niece.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

We have a tooth!

YEAH! Jacob finally got his first tooth. It was a rough road getting that tooth to pop through. He was fussy, waking up at night, and biting everything. I hope each tooth isn't like this first one was! He looks pretty darn cute with that little tooth!

Excuse all the food on his face, he just got done eating his lunch!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On the move!!!!!

Jacob isn't crawling yet, but he is definitely mobile! He is rolling like crazy and scooting on his tummy to get where he wants to go. I have to keep a very close eye on him because he is getting into everything. I guess it is time to baby-proof!

What a wild man. In the evenings he is so silly rolling and scooting all over the living room!

I have set up Jacob's pack and play in the living room because I have to put him in it when I leave the room.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!!

Such a happy little lion!

He wasn't too sure about all that fabric around his face.

Mama with my little lion.

This was the best picture of all 4 kids. I guess it is a little harder than we thought to get a good picture of 4 little ones!

Out trick or treating. He was getting a little cranky because it was almost bedtime.

....and he is done!