Luke is 4 months already! I really cannot believe how fast these past 4 months have gone. He is such a wonderful baby. He is happy almost all of the time. He just looks around waiting for someone to look at him and then he gives them his big dimply grin. At night, he is sleeping a 9 hour stretch, and then he eats and goes back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. I feel so lucky to have a baby that sleeps! He is still breastfed and eats every 2-3 hours during the day. He rolled over for the first time from tummy to back on Christmas day. He has started sucking and biting on his fingers. Luke has really started to notice Jake. He watches him very closely. He loves to lay on his play mat and hit at his toys.
I'm not sure what his height/weight stats are, we go to the Dr. in a few days.
Here are a few pictures from 4 months.

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