Friday, March 4, 2011

11 months

It has been a long time since I posted a monthly update on Jacob. He has been up to a lot recently, here are just a few of the new things he is doing.

- Can take 6-7 steps at a time before losing his balance. I think if he could slow down and not try to run, he could figure it out.
- Waves bye bye and hello
- Raises his hand when asked "who loves mommy"
- Still taking 2 naps a day for about 1-1.5 hr each.
- Loves to eat, his favorite thing recently are spaghetti and mandarin oranges.
- He is in to everything. Most days our living room looks like a bomb went off!
- Loves to go to the park and swing and crawl all over the playground and go down the slide. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time there this summer to get some of his energy out!
- Had to lower his crib mattress all the way to the bottom. He was very close to climbing out. I am hoping we can get him in a big boy bed by 18 months.
- Is absolutely in love with Kirk. He loves seeing him and even just hearing his voice on the phone. His face just lights up.
- Is very sociable. Loves seeing other babies, and loves his "friends" at the grocery store.
- Still really likes bath time.
- Likes to growl. Sometimes it sounds like he is possessed!!

I can't believe my baby is almost 1 year old. This past year has been so amazing and Kirk and I feel so incredibly blessed by our precious baby boy.

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