My sweet Jake turned 2 on March 25th. These first 2 years have absolutely flown by. Jake is such a sweet little boy and I am honored to be his mom. Here is what he is up to recently.
- He is still very active. We visit the park 1-2 times daily.
- He is very social and loves to play with other kids.
- He is a little bit of a late talker, but recently his vocabulary is really picking up.
- Still loves trains!
- Loves cars too!
- Is an awesome sleeper. Sleeps from 8pm-7am. Usually takes a 3 hour nap in the afternoon (I know I am lucky!)
- Is a very fast runner. I have to run to keep up with him at the park, which is a little tricky holding a baby at the same time!
- Loves his brother. I can't wait until they can play together more. Jake is very gentle and loving towards him.
- Knows his ABC's.
- Knows most of his colors.
- Hates to brush his teeth.
- We recently discovered that he will eat pretty much anything as long as he has ketchup to dip it in. This includes all fruit, peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese, quesadillas, etc.
Jake has learned so much this past year and I am so excited for his next year to see what he does. He is such a sweet little boy and we love him so much!
Here are a few pictures from his birthday party.
Family picture
Me, my mom and the kiddos.
My parents with my boys.
Jake playing with his new bubble machine.
Kids playing with the bubbles.
From left to right... Emmett Unruh, Claire Homlar, Luke.
Of course we had to have a Cars theme.

Everyone singing happy birthday to Jake.

Opening presents.

So happy when everyone was singing to him!