Jake is almost 18 months and we just went to the Dr. for his check up. Here are some of his stats.
-36.5 inches (our Dr. told us he is probably their tallest 18 month old. He is way off the charts)
-31.5 lbs
-Saying a lot of new words. His newest words are- juice, umbrella, koala, Luke, baby, bubble. He also makes all of his animal noises and signs please, thank you and more.
- Loves to go to the playground and climbs all over the jungle gym. Likes to hang from the bar and swing.
- Has a ton of energy! A lot of evening, he literally runs in circles around our living room.
- Sleeping from 8pm-7:30ish every night.
- Gives Luke hugs and every once in a while a kiss.
- Still loves to read books. Reading is about the only time I can get him to sit still.
- Likes to go to the YMCA and play with the other kids while I workout.
- Is very social and not shy at all. At the playground he likes to go up to other kids and try to play with them.
- Loves his cars and pretends he is driving them all over. Also likes to pretend he is going to sleep and that he is eating things.
- Is a pretty good eater, but is kind of picky. Won't eat meat or vegetables.
I can't believe it has been a year and a half since we brought Jake home! He is a sweet little boy and we are blessed beyond belief. We love you buddy!!