Our newest addition to our family is due September 17, 2011. Kirk and I are absolutely thrilled and can't wait for the newest member of the McCullough family to join us. Here is the first picture taken at 9week 2day.
Jacob got a tunnel for Christmas this year. He loves to crawl through it. He especially loves when someone is at the other end and can play peek-a-boo and then he crawls as fast as he can to try to get you.
My parents had to put down our family dog Buddy today. He was 13.5 years old. We have had him since he was about 2. I had to say my good byes last night via Skype, which was really hard. My parents made it a good last night for Mr. B though. He got all of his favorite treats, even his own bowl of popcorn and some cheese.
We will miss you Buddy, see you in heaven some day big guy.